Elizabethan Lord

The clothing of the Elizabethan period was ostentatious, ornate, and looks very stiff and uncomfortable to the uninitiated. After all, even men sometimes wore corsets in the late sixteenth century! Actually, the cut of the fabric and the placement of the seams is what creates the proper silhouette, not the tightness of the lacing. The Elizabethans had a wide selection of sleeve styles from which to choose. Open, hanging sleeves which could also be buttoned or tied closed were particularly popular for their versatility. Most people had few clothes and wore each piece for many years, so having the ability to change the look of a garment was important, and very practical for England's climate, too. Price range $400.00 and up. Click on each picture for a larger image.



Walter - The Elizabethan above features a shirt with ruffed collar, trimmed doublet, cut velveteen venetians, a fur- trimmed velvet satin-lined schaube with buttoned, hanging sleeves, and tall hat with plumes. Walter - $950.00 as shown. (cat not included)



Robert - The Elizabethan shown above features a shirt with high, pleated-edge collar and cuffs, cut corduroy doublet with rolled shoulders, brocade venetians, ruff, tall hat with plumes, and pouch. Robert - $900.00 as shown.



Francis - This ensemble features a shirt with ruffed collar and cuffs, a  velvet and brocade doublet trimmed in gold braid, velvet slops, and a velvet tall hat trimmed to match.
Francis - $800.00 as shown.
(Boots and belts not included)


Because we make every garment to your specifications you are never limited to just what you see.
We can make any desired changes to the design, color, or materials of the garments shown,
and all garments are made to your measurements,
not some generic “size”.

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